Recent a avut loc ceremonia de decernare a premiilor Oscar 2015, un bun motiv pentru vedete de a-si etala tinutele de gala, bijuteriile , coafurile si nu in ultimul rand machiajele, iar pentru noi de a ne delecta privirile si de a analiza.
Asa ca am ales cateva machiaje ale vedetelor pentru a le dezbate, unele mai reusite, altele mai putin, pe care le-am ordonat descrescator in functie de preferintele mele.
Recently took place the ceremony of the Oscars 2015, a good reson for celebrities to show their outfits, jewelry, hairstyle and makeup, and for us, a reson more to enjoy our eyes and analyze.
So, I chose a few makeup to discuss them, some more successful than others, which I ordered descending according to my preferences.
No. 1 Margot Robbie
Recently took place the ceremony of the Oscars 2015, a good reson for celebrities to show their outfits, jewelry, hairstyle and makeup, and for us, a reson more to enjoy our eyes and analyze.
So, I chose a few makeup to discuss them, some more successful than others, which I ordered descending according to my preferences.
No. 1 Margot Robbie
Ce imi place la acest machiaj e faptul ca e simplu, accentul cazand pe buzele rosii, foarte frumos conturate. Fondul de ten mat nu incarca fata si lasa sa se vada foarte bine trasaturile naturale ale acesteia.
What I like about this look is that is very simple, focusing on the red lips and their very nice shape. The matte foundation is very light and highlights her natural features.
What I like about this look is that is very simple, focusing on the red lips and their very nice shape. The matte foundation is very light and highlights her natural features.
No. 2 Anna Kendrick
Un machiaj rafinat, angelic, as putea spune. Fondul de ten mat, in combinatie cu pometii rozalii si acel ruj mat, de culoarea rochiei, pun in evidenta machiajul ochilor.
An exquisite makeup, I would say angelic. The matte foundation in combination with the pink cheeks and the matte lipstick in color of the dress, highlight the eye makeup.
An exquisite makeup, I would say angelic. The matte foundation in combination with the pink cheeks and the matte lipstick in color of the dress, highlight the eye makeup.
No. 3 Scarlett Johansson
Un machiaj simplu, natural, care nici nu putea fi altfel, avand in vedere rochia si accesoriile alese. Imi place culoarea si nuanta rujului ales, care dupa parerea mea nu putea fi alta avand in vedere ca verdetele domina in tinuta sa.
A simple and natural makeup, which could not be otherwise, given the chosen dress and accessories. I love the color and shade of lipstick , wich, in my opinion, could not be more suitable, given the green outfit.
A simple and natural makeup, which could not be otherwise, given the chosen dress and accessories. I love the color and shade of lipstick , wich, in my opinion, could not be more suitable, given the green outfit.
No. 4 Reese Witherspoon
Imi place acest smokey eyes, dar machiajul per total nu mi se pare ca e cel mai reusit, avand in vedere evenimentul la care lua parte, fiind totusi cam prea natural. Culorile pamantii, naturale imblanzesc trasaturile fetei si ii ofera luminozitate, dar pentru un plus de culoare as fi optat pentru un ruj mai pigmentat (un roz, in nuante calde) sau pentru un smokey eyes mai accentuat.
I love this smokey eyes, but overall, I think that it's not the most successful look; given the event, is a little too natural. The earthy, natural colors tame facial features and give brightness, but for a splash of color I would have opted for a more pigmented lipstick ( pink in warm shades), or for a more pronounced smokey eyes.
I love this smokey eyes, but overall, I think that it's not the most successful look; given the event, is a little too natural. The earthy, natural colors tame facial features and give brightness, but for a splash of color I would have opted for a more pigmented lipstick ( pink in warm shades), or for a more pronounced smokey eyes.
No. 5 Jennifer Lopez
Imi place ca machiajul realizat prin tehnica de conturare al fetei este mai natural, spre deosebire de alte dati cand a fost mai teatral. In aceasta combinatie, machiajul smokey eyes cu rujul roze si cu restul tenului mi se pare ca se imbina foarte frumos.
I love that the makeup made by facial contouring technique is more natural this time, unlike other times when it was more theatrical. In this combination, smoky eyes, pink lipstick and the rest of the skin seems that blends very nicely.
Fotografiile au fost luate de pe :\
These photos were taken on:\
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